Friday, July 25, 2008


So, to continue the story, I walked to the police station. La Palma's a small city; it didn't take long. I asked the lady at the desk if I could speak to someone, and one of the officers that came to my house (not the one that "hates" me) appears from some room and tells me to have a seat in one of the adjacent rooms next to the waiting area. As I went to take a seat, I overheard the lady and the officer talking amongst themselves... like, 'oh yeah, it's that guy from [insert my address here] at that party.' Clearly, my name had already been passed around... what were they doing? a background check on me? extra surveillance? setting certain legal proceedings in motion??

Anyway, I chat with the officer. Completely different persona. No tough exterior. Just a very concerned fellow doing his job. I do my best to explain the situation, my frustration, the misunderstandings. I cry a little. Maybe a lot. I learn that my sister's friends are always disrespectful to these cops, so some of that resentment unfortunately lashed out at me. In the end, we come to the realization that my sister lacks respect for my mother, me, our house... maybe even herself if she continues to let her friends use her. We need to confront this issue, I just don't know why the wake-up call had to be so extreme. The officer even offers me the opportunity to talk to that other officer (the one who pounded on our door, and gave me nightmares for life), but I was in too fragile a state of mind to want to confront him again. But I'm sure this conversation will reach him regardless, so that gives me some respite.

I don't know, I think walking down to the police station was the best course of action (assuming they don't use some of that information against me somehow). I know they'll always cast a wary eye, but should anything else come up in the future, I would have regretted not letting them know what's up sooner.

*sigh* Cops busting parties, when I've never thrown a single party my entire life. That deserves a double *sigh*.

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