Sunday, May 25, 2008


A night of Stickam MASH. You know... Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Return to Normalcy

For the fear of revealing my inner geek, I hesitate to post this. But oh well.

Two years ago, a friend introduced me to an MMORPG called Dofus. It's the cutest game ever, but more addicting than crackmonsters. I played intensively for one summer, but then retired from it for school. Out of sheer boredom, I started up again during our so-called Dead Week. It reminded me of all the things I hated about these French developers. (Thank you for your comprehension. lol)

These online RPGs like World of Warcraft are poisonous candy. You develop sweet bonds with "friends" within guilds, but no one really cares about you outside of the game. It's the pseudo-social network that drives thousands (millions?) of teens to lameness. The difference between these games and traditional console video games is the "level grinding" that becomes so monotonous, yet intangibly rewarding. And even if you want to take a break to quit thinking about the game, you have virtual pets to feed everyday... otherwise they die!!

The worst part: you waste so much time and start to wonder where the fun went. Reality and fantasy become blurred partners.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Alana wears the greatest pink in the world!
Tamar is my favorite upstairs neighbor!

That is all.

Let's Go, Defense, Let's Go!

My thesis defense is in about 3 hours, and I'm frantically/wearily still preparing, when I run into an email that one of my dance group members sent out. It contained a link to a Chinese-American website where her mom got them to upload the videos of the Friday night performance of our previous show. I was so excited to see the clips because I don't have my own copy. Plus, there's a clip of the piece I choreographed. (But I'm way too embarrassed to include a link to it here.) Anyways, the point of this entry was to say how incredibly happy it made me. On stage, the music drowned out most of the crowd's cheering, so I only heard some of what was going on. But the person who filmed the Friday night show was sitting in the audience, so his/her camera picked up a lot more. And my friends in the crowd were crazy! Lovely crazy! I've never heard my name yelled so many times, and with so much love!! It seriously made my day for the rest of my life. That's how amazing it was.

I recognized some of the voices, but I don't want to misquote anyone. These ones were my favorites:

"Anthony, you're great at lyrical!" I'm not really, but I love it.

"You're so good, Anthony (with Anthony rushed at the end because the crowd becomes silent)!" HAHA! That's so awkward when that happens.

"I love Anthony!"
"Me too!"

and various other inflections of Anthony!

<3 <3 <3

I never have a reason to be sad again. Ever.
Exceptions of course.

:) :] :D

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Post-It® #4

"Nothing's hotter than yourself."



Friday, May 9, 2008

Emo Moment

My life in four words: too little, too late.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Post-It® #3

"Deep breath.
In with the sunshine.
Out with the storm."


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Boys Suck

This blog is being composed at 5AM, for a particular someone, because my mind will not allow itself to fall into a slumber. I have no idea whether you're even aware that this blog exists, but on the odd chance that you do, well here you go. And in case you're not sure this is for you: "boys suck."

If you were angry after last night's conversation, I can understand why you might feel that way. But I hope you can also understand that if I was the cause for any anger, I am just as entitled to my own reciprocated anger.

Part of this boils down to assumptions. Societal-imposed norms are to blame, but love exists in all forms, and I should be rightfully offended when I am lumped into the "right" one. People are so quick to judge, which is fine I'll accept that, but acting upon those judgments is what generates so much discord.

What you deem "lies"... honestly, what more can you expect from an insecure individual who essentially has no choice but to continue playing along heteronormative lines. I value the sanctity of marriage, so to use the concept as playfully (or dare I say facetiously to conjure up a more impressive adverb) as you did, is sufficient grounds to assume that you could not possibly be serious. You have no reason to be angered over my compliance with whatever fantasy you had envisioned in your mind.

That being said, no one should be angry. Don't we both already have tons of bull**** to deal with--cheaters, liars, decepticons, hateful vibes, school, life, I'm sure you can add more to the list--?? Obviously, things are not going to be the same for a while. But I'm still just as much the devoted friend that you've known all along.

I trust that your maturity level far exceeds my expectations, so I look forward to chatting with you again, the past behind us. But if for some reason you can't, then I still wish you the best in life. Stop the self-criticism. Embrace the goodness.