Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Little Pleasures + Happy Earth Day

Stress has reached an all-time high, but today a vending machine just dispensed me two bags of chips for the price of one! Is it so sad that I take such joy in this?

Tue - Wed - Thurs - Fri - Sat - Sun

6 days left son.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Greatest Four Lines I've Ever Heard

you are not a bad person.
you are a great person.
don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
don't think otherwise.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

They Come in Swarms

The pre-frosh have invaded the campus! They travel in groups, wear nametags around their necks, and possess the sort of excitement that will, in due course, fade into jadedness. Oh to be a pre-frosh again, to be pampered and to question. To brag about high school accomplishments, SAT scores. To introduce yourself over and over again. California? Northern or southern? What city? To turn down other wonderful schools, and to finally take your place among the best and brightest...

With a senior thesis breathing down my neck, slathering me with hickeys galore, I die a little inside each time I stroll by any such pre-frosh gatherings. A part of me wants to rip off my shackles and yell to them, "Don't take the plunge!" But then a greater part of me wants to give them all hugs and sunshines. So what to do??

Kidnap a pre-frosh and have him or her write the darn thing for me.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Post-it® #2

"Don't make someone a priority in your life when you are just an option in theirs."


Post-it® #1

"You are enough."


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Who Wears the Trousers?

I arrived late to my wedding, and it sucks.
Cry. Tears.

-end of rant-

Thursday, April 10, 2008


reaching and yearning,
our voices in unison,
freedom of the wings.

wading and cleansing,
a ripple, wave, engulfing,
onward we will go.

singing and praising,
the holy vitality,
can you feel it now?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Break Reality

Wow! I'm really pressed for time this month, but I thought I should jot down a few thoughts about last weekend's show.

One satisfying element this year was the variety and quantity of choreography. Early preparation was key, and I'm amazed that Chris managed to organize rehearsals so early on in the semester. I was also in a significantly greater number of pieces, so I felt that despite my poor freestyling skillz, I fulfilled my duty to the group in the remainder acts. I'm also thankful for those friends who supported me and cheered. It was invigorating, and it made me feel that my effort and thesis-delaying was worth it.

I'm especially proud of Brian, Kohei, Alan, and Lauren. They helped communicate my dance, as outrageous as it was.

Taofik is legendary. The time and expertise for all the trailers, intros, fillers... wow.

The post-show withdrawal still lingers, but we have a viewing party scheduled for tomorrow night, so hopefully that will ease the longing.

Oh, I also had to create a personal statement piece for my dance class (1.5 to 2 min long), and I think it went well. I messed up a small part of it, but I hope my improvisation masked the boo-boo. Christine said it was "beautiful" :)

Tonight, I'm watching "The Pillowman," which is apparently creepy-McCreepster, but it's yet another sacrifice or procrastination method. Seriously, I'm sub-consciously preparing for my advisor's flames of fury.

Hmm... meeting with a psychiatrist and then a psychologist.

Finally, I'll be seeing the BAC show on Friday, but right now my biggest concern is for Karen's brother. I pray that he can recover and pull out strong.

Peace out,
Bboy G.I. Ant