Thursday, November 27, 2008

Meleagris gallopavo

I am thankful for...

... family & friends.
... bicycle rides in the evening.
... hot showers in the morning.
... all the junk food I could eat if I wanted to.
... being home for the holidays.
... boba.
... my laptop that hasn't failed me yet.
... cute animals.
... less than cute animals.
... thank-you cards.
... free dance lessons.
... country music.
... not having to pay rent.
... clunky cellphones.
... being carded.
... handwriting.
... a warm place to sleep.
... popsicles.
... freedoms.
... MTV.
... Bravo.
... Disney.
... home-cooked meals.
... the ability to love and be loved.
... people who love me just the way I am.

And the list goes on..

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