Sunday, August 31, 2008

Take a Deep Breath

Skype is so wonderful!

I just caught up with a good friend, and it was fun times. A lot less problematic than Stickam, even with Stickam's multi-user capabilities. (whatever happened to the nerdfighters?! dftba *tear*)

Plus... there are rainbows and unicorns when you install it.

In other news, I feel like the ultimate ninja because I managed to trap a huge roach last night. It thought it was all sneaky lurking in the shadows, scurrying across the lighted areas of the hallway. Then just as it took a breather next to the pane of my door, it decided to bolt into my room! but i wasn't going to let it, and I slammed some random glass bowl over it. The creepy thing was stunned, and then it began to run in circles. And then it got tired. And then I placed my heavy science books on top of the bowl. And then I went to bed. And then I took care of it this morning. Now I just have to vacuum all the poop it left behind. Ewwww.

OMG! This just reminded me of freshman year, when a mouse had trespassed into one of our bedrooms. I trapped it with a trash can, but the poor thing was startled to death!!!!! But I am not a killer!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Post-It® #9

"Ohh, nvm! It's my favorite cortez! :) :)"


Post-It® #8

"And in n out. and hold u."


Before the Sun Rises

EDIT: why am I so good at being emo?

It's that time of the month again, when all my insecurities resurface and I feel like having a crying marathon. What do I do? I'm slowly revealing more of my personality to my friends, trying to regain the happiness in life, but in the process I only look at myself with greater disgust. New highs ushering in deeper lows.

I feel like a failure in every way.

No one can convince me otherwise. I'll just nod and smile.

I know I shouldn't put this out here, as it has become apparent that soooo many of you secretly read this, but I've had too many thoughts about putting the period at the end of my sentence. But always, always, always... I think of my mom, her love and her sacrifices, and I just can't. I love her too much. Wow, a deluge of tears just trying to write this.

Right now, I'm in no condition to share my life with someone new, as much as my heart wants to. I thought I loved myself again, but I'm not so sure anymore. I also don't need to be dragging anyone else down with me. Would you be better off without me?

I'm forever unemployed. How can I possibly present myself to an employer when I feel unqualified and undesirable for everything? Can I just go back to working at Cold Stone's, where I can at least start paying back a small portion of my student loans, or would that be the newest low for my Ivy league degree? I'd love to show up at Reunions with that one.

And goshhhh people, stop asking if I'm going to be a doctor. I'm never going to be, and why must you all keep using that as a measure of my success?

What am I doing with my life?
What am I doing with my life?
What am I doing with my life?

Even dance, the one thing that has kept me sane, is starting to lose its luster. Why I'm still pursuing it is beyond me.

And now, someone from my painful past is talking to me again. Why now? Why 11 months later after making me feel like the worst person in the world, when I had no one else to turn to, when answers never came and they still haven't??

Maybe I deserve all of this because my entire childhood has been picture perfect. Sure, I never had a father around, but my mother more than compensated for that. I was the model son, student, person. I never had enemies. I was ridiculously happy. Maybe no one deserves such a good life. Or maybe I just never learned how to deal with the unhappy because I never encountered it.

I don't know what else to say. Everyone has problems, why don't I just fix them you're probably thinking... 'oh boo hoo'... 'you whine too much'... 'that's a losing attitude.'

If any other Princetonian feels the same way I do, I would love to meet you. Or do I already know you?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I don't think there's ever been a moment in recent history when something just felt too good to be true. I've reached something like that, and right now it all seems too perfect. Everything is falling in the right place, and coincidences are revealing themselves... birthday triangle, parents' work, majors, "Home", being rejected from the kids menu twice in one day... It's surreal. And escalating to a fast pace.

All I know is that this could be one amazing relationship, or some devastating heartbreak.

I love the twitching. It's too cute.

Oh so pretty.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beauty in the Breakdown

I love this picture. (I found it through Andy.)

Friday, August 8, 2008

About Me

So, I was inspired to write an "About Me" section. You know, where you try to convey your soul in a few short lines. If you want to read it, add me on MySpace.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Post-It® #7

"The only time you should think inside the box is when you are dead."
