Sunday, March 23, 2008

Friday, March 21, 2008

Do You Feel Like I Feel?

Wow, I just created what will probably be the most embarrassing video ever. But I'm crazy like that, and it's for an awesome YouTuber.


Speaking of feelings, I am...
excited about our trailer that is hotness:
disgusted with the amount of work I still have left
anxious about an email a friend helped me write to someone... hoping for a reply
grateful to still be a college student.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Top Chef Wedding

So, I had a lovely conversation with a fabulous hairdresser today. Well, she mostly talked and I listened, but it was still nice.

We talked about televised car chases in Los Angeles. Why do the newscasts like to give them so much attention? Does it boost their ratings? Attract an otherwise apathetic viewership? I can only think of one advantage: by knowing which roads the fugitive is on, I know which streets and freeways to avoid.

Oh, and there were flat screen TVs in front of each salon chair, so a rerun of Top Chef happened to be playing. It was an episode of a gay couple getting married. I have no idea why they would want the contestants to prepare their wedding reception... you know some dish is bound to go wrong. Anyways, this started a new topic of all the gay people she (the hair stylist) knew in her life. How they always had gorgeous homes (she was dying to take a peek at her neighbors' house's interior), how they had the most fun personalities, how they were her bestest friends... and then, sensing that I might not have a clue what she was talking about, she asked if I had any gay friends. I replied, "Yeah, they're fun." Haha.

Well, only four more days to crank out some work on my thesis. Then, it will be the beginning of "Hell Week" as my dance group begins intense rehearsing for our spring show. This is only my second year (because I was away last semester), but I know what to expect: tired bodies, very little sleep, but a bonding experience like no other.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Permanently Pressed

Who does his or her laundry at midnight on a Monday, especially when school is not in session? Figuring the answer would be "NO ONE," I proceeded to the laundry room...

... but ran into two people. *gasp* at the First.... *sigh* for the Second.

Now I hate myself again.
I'm just glad the First's slick escape averted an awkward moment.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lamest Spring Break Ever

I'm not the only one suffering. I'm sure of it. We are all prisoners of the THESIS!!!

The distractions I've encountered so far:
-> playing iSketch
-> Facebook fun
-> brainstorming a short film
-> YouTube vids
-> watching America's Best Dance Crew episodes
-> recycling
-> sleeping... zZz

Exciting events:
-> watching Jess in Eurydice despite the creepy Stones... nightmares for life.
-> stalking Mike on his way to Whitman library. Haha, I swear I'm not a stalker.
-> front handspring on the floor!

As you can see, Spring Break hates me. Time to go visit some carrels, because I don't have one :(

Monday, March 3, 2008


Bridge. Lift. Spin.
Corner. Back. Corner.
Run around. Fall to ground.
Mirror. Balance. Swaying.
Forward. Pose. Releve.
Semi-circling gaze.
Spin. Spin. Lower. Bridge.