Saturday, January 26, 2008

Why Am I Blogging?

Finally!! My first post, and all of my exams are finished!!! It was a grueling month, and I'm surprised I made it out alive and in good health. I arrived back on campus after the New Year's holiday, and had paper after paper due until Dean's Date, at which point my nearly 2-week exam period kicked into gear. I've never had such an exhausting finals month, and I'm a bit sad to say it will probably be my last time experiencing such an academic frenzy. It was also so much fun spending time with my Panama buddy, Jeanie. We studied for our neuroscience final like confused crazies. My last semester this spring will be the lightest schedule I've had, so I should have plenty of time to work on my senior thesis. (But I shall not speak of that onerous monster.)

So, now I have an entire week off until the new semester, and I'm hoping to make the most of it. This has been my goal since freshman year, and I never accomplish it, but this year will be different :) A great 2008!!!

Back to the original topic of this post, I realized that YouTube is so much more enjoyable when you actively engage with other vloggers, hence my attempt at creating videos. But I'm still camera-shy and not sure how to make a video interesting, so a lot of my thoughts and ideas never manifest themselves properly. I figured that this written blog would be an appropriate substitute for all the mundane things I want to discuss. If anything, it serves as a journal that I can look back upon one day and cackle with delight. Also, I feel that very few people in my life actually know much about me. Even around my closest friends, I'm naturally quiet and reserved. So this will hopefully be an adventure for everyone reading this blog, myself included.